Plant Images

Plant Info

Common Names Eyebright, Eyewort
Locations Vikos-Aoos Ioannina Pindos Smolikas Gramos
Clinical Summary
Contraindications Particular caution is recommended in oral administration, as it may cause mental confusion, amnesia, headache, increased pressure in the eyes with tearing, blurred vision, pruritus (itching), irritation, dyspnea, polyuria. No side effects are reported.
Active Substance tannins flavonoids terpenoids alkaloids Glycosides (aoukouvin) volatile oil which contains vitamin A, B, C, D and E silica traces of copper and zinc. The plant's extract also contains acids (caffeic and ferulic) phytosterols and carbohydrates (arabinose, glucose, galactose)
Active Substance Plant Part Aboveground plant parts
Adverse Reaction
Educational Research
Features Description Euphrasia officinalis is a perennial plant growing up to 20cm, with oval, toothed, wavy leaves and white flowers with purple veins. The flowering lasts from July to September and the harvesting takes place in summer and autumn.
Method Administration The plant is administered as mucolytic in the form of herbal tea (a spoon of dried herb in a cup of boiled water, 3 times daily) or it can be applied externally to the eye with compresses several times a day. Also it is administered in the form of tincture (1: 5 parts of dried herb and ethyl alcohol, 70%) from which is prepared an ophthalmic lotion (30 drops of the tincture in rose oil, several times a day).Warning: The use of herb preparations is not recommended without seeking advice from your physician or pharmacist. The substances they contain may interact with the subscribed drugs that the patient already takes, thus eliminating their therapeutic efficacy or inducing toxicity. They may also burden further weakened vital functions of the body thus exposing the patient to increased morbidity and life threatened conditions.
Pharmacological Info The whole plant has tonic, astringent, emolient and mucolytic properties. It is recommended for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, runny nose, sinusitis and bronchial cold. Also, it is administered in the form of lotion against various eye diseases such as photosensitivity, pain, lacrimation, conjunctivitis and blepharitis.
Pharmacological Use
Mechanism Action
References Bιβλίο: Τα φαρμακευτικά βότανα και οι θεραπευτικές τους ιδιότητες, Λάμπρου Π. Σπύρου, Αγροτικός εκδοτικός οίκος, Αθήνα 1981, Α' τόμος, σελίδες: 225 Βιβλίο: Οδηγός των φαρμακευτικών φυτών, Paul Schauenberg, Ferdinand Paris, Εκδότης Μ. Γκιούρδας, Αθήνα 1981, σελίδες 157,
Created At: 2022-08-23 12:19:55 Updated At: