
English Violet, Florist's Violet, Garden Violet, Sweet Violet

Hedge Hyssop


European White Hellebore, False Helleborine, White Hellebore, White Veratrum

Bearberry, Kinnikinnick, Pinemat Manzanita

Toureki, Sideri, Choukladi

Black Henbane, Henbane, Stinking Nightshade

Lily Of The Valley

False Hellebore, Pheasant's Eye, Spring Pheasant's Eye, Yellow Pheasant's Eye

Blue Vervain, Holy Herb, Mosquito Plant, Simpler's Joy, Wild Hyssop

Catchweed, Cleavers, Goosegrass, Grip Grass, Robin-Run-The-Hedge, Stickyjack, Stickyweed, Velcro Weed


Restharrow, Spiny Restharrow

Eastern Pellitory-Of-The-Wall, Lichwort, Upright Pellitory

French Lilac, Goat's-Rue, Italian Fitch, Professor-Weed

Crow's Foot, Death Come Quickly, Dove's Foot, Herb-Robert, Red Robin, Robert Geranium, Storksbill

Colewort, Herb Bennet, St. Benedict's Herb, Wood Avens

Common Peony, Garden Peony

Breckland Thyme, Creeping Thyme, Wild Thyme

Lesser Celandine