
Mouse-Ear Hawkweed

Smooth Rupturewort

Bay Laurel, Bay Tree, Grecian Laurel, Sweet Bay, True Laurel

Lion's Ear, Lion's Tail, Motherwort, Throw-Wort


Balm Mint, Lemon Balm

Wall Germander

Absinthe, Absinthe Wormwood, Absinthium

Adam And Eve, Adder's Root, Bobbins, Cows And Bulls, Cuckoo-Pint, Devils And Angels, Friar's Cowl, Jack In The Pulpit, Lords-And-Ladies, Naked Girls And Boys, Snakeshead, Wake Robin, Wild Arum

Boxwood, Common Box, European Box

Bellbind, Bugle Vine, Granny-Pop-Out-Of-Bed, Heavenly Trumpets, Hedge Bindweed, Rutland Beauty

Shepherd's Purse

Sweet Chestnut


Greater Celandine, Nipplewort, Swallowwort, Tetterwort

Bastard Balm


Compass Plant, Milk Thistle, Prickly Lettuce, Scarole

Common Fumitory, Drug Fumitory, Earth Smoke

Great Yellow Gentian