Alphabetical Plant List
- Lily Of The Valley
- Lesser Celandine
- Lady's Mantle
- Lion's Ear, Lion's Tail, Motherwort, Throw-Wort
- Littleleaf Linden, Small-Leaved Lime, Small-Leaved Linden
- Lilac
- Little Hogweed, Pigweed, Purslane, Pursley, Red Root, Verdolaga
- Least Moonwort, Little Grapefern, Little Grapefern
- Leafy-Bracted Beggarticks, Three-Lobe Beggarticks, Three-Part Beggarticks, Trifid Bur-Marigold
- Lentil
- Licorice, Licorice-Root, Liquorice, Sweet Wood Liquorice
- Lemon of Kolpoto, Amaranto, Anthonoida
- Liverleaf, Liverwort
- Lice-Bane, Stavesacre
- Lemon
- Leek
- Lemon Beebrush, Lemon Verbena
- Leopard's Bane, Mountain Arnica, Mountain Tobacco, Wolf's Bane
- Lovage
- Lavatera Arborea, Malva Eriocalyx, Tree Mallow